Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jewelry craft class

We have some crafty homeschooling girls in our midst who are willing to teach some of our younger girls (or boys!) how to make a necklace. Lydia Meiner of Manchester will be at the Earlville Conrad Park on Monday, October 11th to show any interested young crafters the basics of making a necklace using bottle caps.  If you haven't seen this type of necklace, my daughters pointed out similar ones that retail for $5.95 for the necklace alone and another $5.95 just for the "bottlecap" that attaches to it at the Justice store in Cedar Rapids.
Please bring $1.50 per child to help Lydia cover the costs of the craft materials.

We will meet at the park at noon with our sack lunches with a craft time following the lunch.

We plan on at least one more park day, depending upon the weather, and that will be October 25th at noon.

Plans are in the works for some colder weather activities including a field trip to the Imaginarium in Waterloo. 

We are open to any ideas or suggestions for other field trips. 
Perhaps even a bake sale at Walmart to help cover the costs of some field trips? 

Please contact Mary at or 563-927-3999 or Elizabeth at 563-927-2907 for questions or comments.

1 comment:

  1. Sign us up for one girl, for sure. Jacob may decide he wants to make one as well, if there will be any designs for boys.
